


A fullstack (MERN) expenses web app built with React and data is stored in MongoDB. Completed with RESTful APIs and use of CRUD.

While learning React, I wanted to experiment with MongoDB as a database and researched how to better secure an app using a token-based login system. Login credentials are salted and hashed for extra security.



Magic 8 ball game coded in Javascript and Sass compiled with Webpack.

This project was created to learn more on how to configure Webpack and work with Sass.

RGB Game - React

RGB Game - React

A simple color guessing game rebuilt using React. Features 4 different difficulty modes.

I had originally coded RGB game in Javascript and decided to use my React skills by re-coding the game using the React framework. I also added the infernal mode in which the squares' colors are much closer along the spectrum, making it extra difficult to find the right color.